Nov. 10 News Letter
November 10th News Letter
Hey gang! It’s been two weeks since the last live stream but it feels like just a few days to me. We will be live streaming tonight at 7:30 Central. We’ll be live on all 4 platforms tonight. Rumble, You Tube, Odysee, Facebook (no link yet) and Twitter (no stream link yet – first time, experimenting). I would like to encourage folks to start thinking of Rumble and Twitter (X) as our primary channels. We will continue streaming on all 5 platforms as long as we are able. Also, some of our folks are looking into podcasting options for our streams so we’ll have more platforms to add that will help increase the reach of our message. I also encourage everyone to start sharing our website, and socials with others, spread the word. The legislative session starts in less than 2 months.
If you want to join us and let your voice be heard, feel free to join us on Guilded. We usually get on Guilded about 7:00PM, a full 30 minutes before the show starts and we’re usually still on Guilded for quite a while after the show ends. Joining Guilded is free, just setup and account and follow our link to join our server. We ask folks to keep their language clean for the show (we’re family friendly). We also ask folks to remember “social etiquette.” Please do not interrupt or talk over others. It is not mandatory to speak or use a camera. Many folks join us for the live that do not turn on their microphone or camera during the live stream. The pre-show and after show can be a lot of fun as we let our hair down and discuss many items we do not include in the live streams. If you choose to join for the first time, please check in early, so we can help with any technical issues you may have with audio and/or video. We will not provide technical support during the live stream.
I have been involved in a lot of events in the past week. Here’s the run down…
On Sunday (November 5) we had a legislative meet and greet. It was unlike any meet and greet we have ever had and no one thought to record it or bring recording equipment. This is a shame because it was a barn burner filled with legislative truth bombs. John Williams (who also attended and spoke at the event) is starting to tell bits the story. John will be interviewing Justin Sparks in the near future so the full details can come from an authoritative source. We’ll talk a little bit about this tonight.
I am trying to secure a location for a meet and greet on December 9th here in Clever, Missouri for Senator Mike Moon and Representative Bob Titus. Tentative time would be 1:00PM to 3:00PM on December the 9th if we can lock it down. Stay tuned for details.
Well, it seems for now House Speaker Representative Dean Plocher has not be reprimanded in any way by the House Ethics Committee. To make matters even more cloudy, Dean has hired convicted sex offender and scandal ridden former House Speaker Rod Jetton to be his new Chief of Staff. We’ll definitely cover this tonight on the live stream.
On Thursday, I participated in a Twitter Space that actually (and accidentally) lead to a national movement (tweet below) based on 10th amendment virtues. The conversation continued on a Friday Twitter Space and is gaining steam. The idea is simple in nature and profound if executed properly. Multiple States’ Attorney Generals should join forces to overturn convictions of J6ers based on wrongful prosecution. States should also nullify the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) as it has been proven now to be a weapon to use against conservative peaceful protesters and has NOT been used against violent protesters and rioters such as Antifa and BLM. We can be a nation with communist planks within our laws OR not. The people MUST decide this and begin to work with their states if they oppose communist laws and practices. Not opposing these unconstitutional laws and practices signifies compliance. States MUST act. We (the Missouri Freedom Initiative) cannot shepherd this movement in a way that will do it justice. Others have offered to step in and keep working this. I will write a press release on this soon which will be displayed on our web site.
The gold and silver bill is coming along just fine and the posted final draft and almost exactly the same as the finished bill. Our first knock and shock operation will be on January 9th, 2024 (silver and gold day). Please make plans to attend. Our knock and shock events are family friendly. Although many of us stay 10+ hours in the capitol, many just come for a few hours because that’s all the time they can give. Every minute folks dedicate to a knock and shock operation is greatly appreciated.
Last night, my wife and I attended a presentation that while long (2.5 hours) was absolutely mind blowing. The presentation was held by David Cort and in that 2.5 hours, David proves who actually controls your local school district, how some school boards break the law and how YOUR district can follow the laws and actually change the entire district management model to eliminate superintendents and other administrative positions while being complaint with Missouri law and returning control of the school system with a school board that is not controlled by state organizations. I will do my best to bring all this information to the forefront soon. EVERYONE needs to know this information, no matter if you have kids in school or not. This was powerful folks. Stay tuned for more info on this in the coming weeks including strategies to implement changes to bring back local control and complete elimination of woke ideology from the curriculum if the community desires it.
John Williams (Missouri Liberty Report) interviewed Paul Berry III candidate for Lt. Governor of Missouri on his Friday stream. After the interview John talked a bit about the meet and greet from last Sunday. John’s stream can be found here on You Tube or here on Rumble.
Rogue Politics is alive and well. Although they have not released new content in a few weeks, they are working on new content for their next podcast. A landing page has been setup for Rogue Politics and you can view it here.
Our webmaster has setup a direct link to Sam Britton’s radio stream on our web site. It’s on the front page. Tom is constantly changing and updating the web site with information as well as functionality. Sam’s show “Off the Cuff” is every Sunday at 6:00PM to 9:00PM Central Time on Missouri Liberty Radio.
I want to give a special shout out to Gretchen Garrity who blogs under “Right2WinOzarks.” Gretchen has been writing this blog for quite some time and is definitely in the liberty fight. She concentrates on the Missouri school system and exposing very serious problems with school boards and superintendents. We will be covering her blogs in our website soon.
That’s all for now gang. I hope to see you tonight!
May God bless us all with good health and with wisdom and courage.
Yours for liberty,
Patrick Holland
Missouri Freedom Initiative
P.O. Box 343
Clever, Missouri 65631
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