Help us celebrate 20 years of free speech on Missouri Liberty Radio Dec. 7 at 1 PM.
Happy Saturday gang! It’s been two weeks since our last live stream. I did say we would have a live stream today, I was wrong. I forgot that Sam Britton is celebrating 20 years of free speech as Missouri Liberty Radio is 20 years old this month! I’ll be on the radio with Sam at 1:00PM today. The planned time is 1:00 to 9:00PM for the broadcast. We will be re-broadcasting this event live on Twitter (X), Rumble and Odysee. We will not be on You Tube for this because we will be talking about Covid-19 and other information/topics that are regularly censored by You Tube. We will be talking about everything under the sun really and taking your calls.
We have three silver/gold bills pre-filed in the House and Senate. We’ll talk about this tonight and we will be hearing from two of the sponsors of these bills tonight as well (Senator Mike Moon and Representative Bill Hardwick). Senator Mike Moon’s legislation is SB25. Representative Bill Hardwick’s bill is HB433. Senator Rick Brattin’s bill is SB194.
I hope to hear from you on today’s show.
May God bless us all with good health and with wisdom and courage.
Yours for liberty,
Patrick Holland
Missouri Freedom Initiative
P.O. Box 343
Clever, Missouri 65631
Views: 2
Nov.23 News Letter
Happy Friday evening everyone! We will have a live stream tomorrow night on all the usual suspect platforms. Twitter (X), Rumble, You Tube and Odysee.
This email is a bit early because Tom Martz is having another MOCON (Missouri Constitution) class tomorrow in Nixa (at the Baked Bean Coffeehouse) 1860 N Commerce Dr, Nixa, MO 65714. It begins at 8:30AM tomorrow and runs until 1:00PM. The class is free. However, Tom does take tips if you enjoy the class, and what Constitution class would be complete without getting a cup of coffee? I will be there for Tom’s class and everyone is welcome. Tom will be discussing local government at this class as well.
Tomorrow night on the stream, we’ll discuss the RINO problem in Missouri, as well as the Corporatist problem. I think we can knock that out in one evening. This is not designed to offend anyone, rather we intend to educate folks on the complexity of the two species, and why they are not the same but are often grouped together. Here’s a recent write up by the Gateway Pundit on the “State of the Rinos in Missouri.”
For lack of time, this is all I can write for now. I look forward to seeing anyone who comes to Tom’s class (especially on short notice), and hope to see you yet again tomorrow night.
May God bless us all with good health and with wisdom and courage.
Yours for liberty,
Patrick Holland
Missouri Freedom Initiative
P.O. Box 343
Clever, Missouri 65631
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Nov.16 News Letter
Happy Saturday gang. We will of course do a live stream tonight covering the hottest issue in the state of Missouri right now. We’ll be live on Twitter (X), Rumble, You Tube and Odysee.
Just as Washington DC had some drama over the next Senate Leader, Missouri is now having to decide on a House Speaker. Representative Justin Sparks (House District 110) threw his hat into the House Speaker ring this past week. This is a big deal folks. Corporations have begun to rally around presumed Speaker Representative Jonathan Patterson while the grass roots rally around Justin Sparks. Justin’s platform revolves around rooting out and exposing the corruption in Jefferson City, Patterson’s platform is simply status quo. Let hash it out tonight.
Of course, the HRCC (House Republican Campaign Committee) is not amused with Representative Sparks late bid for the House Speakership. In fact, I’ll bet the HRCC is planning to back Patterson with their clout and their money because the HRCC is the very source in Missouri of getting RINOs and Corporatists elected into the Missouri House. This is because the HRCC forms unholy relationships with corporations to get folks elected that will represent special interests. Have you heard the “envelope” stories that have been floating around Jefferson City for years? No discussion about this House Speaker challenge would be complete without talking about all the stories we hear about the HRCC.
Friends, this is actually a HUGE story. I won’t go into how much courage it takes to take on the status quo and the HRCC in Jefferson City because we already know this. This courage SHOULD be matched with support for Justin. Most of us who regularly go to the capital have heard the never ending rumors of corruption. Those who actually work freedom legislation see the corruption up close and personal and downright obvious. There are MANY mechanisms to kill legislation in Jefferson City, many of these mechanisms are buried in the House Rules package. The House rules package is usually written by the incoming speaker but it is presented by the floor leader in committee who takes credit for the bill. This helps setup the floor leader to become the next speaker because he is showing support for the corporation’s choice for the House Speaker. Justin Sparks represents a massive change in this corrupt Rules package tradition. Trust me, Justin running for the speakership scares the HECK out of the RINOs and corporatist cronies in Jefferson City. To add spices to this already marinated drama, the HRCC WILL be putting all kinds of interesting pressure on YOUR Republican representative to vote for Patterson. It is up to us as individuals to break this cycle by (respectfully) putting pressure on our representatives to vote for Sparks.
In effect, when your representative votes for Patterson, they are voting for the status quo of corruption in Jefferson City. If your representative votes for Sparks, they are voting to clean up corruption in Jefferson City. A contest that by its very nature is divisive and will surely heat up in the next 6 weeks. Missouri’s legislative body is never short of drama. Those who forgo state politics to keep their attention on DC are going to miss out on a “Show-Me State” showdown for the record books. This is another showdown between the conservative people of Missouri VS the RINOs and corporatists. It is worth noting that Jonathan Patterson was COMPLICIT with killing gold/silver legislation with House Speaker Dean Plocher in 2023 AND 2024.
So, how do we actually help? It’s very simple. A call and an email to your Representative asking them to vote for Sparks along with an EXPLANATION of WHY you want them to vote for Sparks. The live stream tonight should give you lots of examples to pick from.
We’ll also be working on a contact list for folks since new people who have been elected have not been sworn in yet and have no e-mail addresses listed on the Missouri House website yet (won’t happen until January).
I am short of time today (as usual), so I will end it here but want to remind you all that Sam Britton will be on “Off the Cuff” on Sunday night (6 to 9PM) If you are not in the Owensville listening area (101.3FM) you can stream the show from his web page.
Please join the live stream tonight and PLEASE don’t keep the information to yourself. Share the information, have others in Missouri join the e-mail list and let’s educate ourselves on what WE can do to help in this effort to clean up corruption in the Missouri legislature.
May God bless us all with good health and with wisdom and courage.
Yours for liberty,
Patrick Holland
Missouri Freedom Initiative
P.O. Box 343
Clever, Missouri 65631
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News Letter, Nov. 2nd
Happy Saturday gang. We’ll be live tonight and Daniel Diaz with Citizens for Sound Money will be joining us. We’re on the usual platforms tonight at 7:30 PM Twitter (X), Rumble, Odysee and You Tube.
We’ve got 3 days left until November 5th. I am not here to tell ANYONE how to vote but am happy to share how I am voting and explain why. We’ll do this on the live stream tonight. If Twitter is any indication of how chaotic this cycle will be, it promises to be one for the record books. Rumors are swirling that unrest is expected no matter who wins the presidency. It’s the 7th time it’s the most important election in my lifetime. J
I am old enough to remember that Al Gore claimed to have invented the Internet. This of course was a HUGE distortion of the truth (a lie). However, it did not escape my attention that by the year 2000, society already knew the Internet had changed ALMOST everything, from the information we consume to where we shop and EVERYTHING in-between. I remember in 2000, we still had what we called “Blue Dog Democrats.” A Blue Dog Democrat was someone who was in fact a Democrat, ran for office as a Democrat but shared some principles with the Republicans, such as the right to bear arms and freedom of speech. Now, Democrats campaign on restricting gun rights and censoring free speech – in just 24 years, the entire party has moved further left than many folks are comfortable with. The paradigm of right/left has virtually no meaning if the Constitution and Bill of Rights are not protected from all enemies, foreign AND domestic by those who take the oath of office.
Both parties are highly focused on their differences, which is typical for campaign season. With this in mind, something that could truly unify folks is the value of their pensions, savings and purchasing power. We’re basically at the end of the dollar’s life cycle.
The problem: Many folks simply cannot comprehend that the dollar is dying but mathematically there is no way out. I want to remind folks that in the late 70s and early 80’s, America was in a recession AND the dollar was losing value through inflation very fast. At the time, Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volker, raised interest rates to almost 20%. This was very painful but no one can say it wasn’t effective. Back then, the United States had only $1 Trillion of debt. The media went after Regan for hitting the $1 Trillion mark for the national debt because this happened on his watch. 20% interest on $1 Trillion of debt between varying bonds was not going to bankrupt the United States Government in the early 1980s.
It gets worse: Today, we have almost $36 Trillion of government (public) debt (36X more debt than in 1980). This does not include unfunded liabilities like Social Security and Medicare. In total, the United States unfunded liabilities are about $220 Trillion. If you add the official debt to this, you get about $256 Trillion dollars. That’s a liability of approximately $760,000 per person in the United States. It’s about $1.9 Million per taxpayer. Raising the interest rate to 20% now, would literally bankrupt the United States government in less than 1 year and put us into a hyperinflation as the Federal Reserve prints more currency to spread throughout the banking system to cover interest payments.
The Math: New currency is created by the Federal Reserve in exchange for US government selling bonds to the Federal Reserve whom auctions the bonds to the large member banks. So here’s the problem, why would someone buy US bonds when there is a debt of about $1.9 Million per taxpayer? Heck, the entire GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the United States is reportedly at $24 Trillion dollars and the ACTUAL debt with unfunded liabilities is about $256 Trillion. The debt coupled with unfunded liability dwarfs the national GDP. This is a good reason to not invest in US bonds if you ask me. This debt along with interest (currently $1.3 Trillion per year) is mathematically unpayable UNLESS we go into a hyperinflation. Taxing everything away from the rich will not fix this. Taking everything from the middle class will not fix this. This is why the Federal Reserve is buying up bonds from banks in the REPO market. The Federal Reserve is the buyer of last resort. This is called “monetizing the debt.” The Federal Reserve REPO market used to only be open for commercial banks about 2-3 days per year. Since October of 2019, the REPO market has not closed, it’s open 24/7.
Hyperinflation: Hyperinflation is most likely in the cards as this is the “dishonest” way to deal with the debt. The honest way to deal with the debt is also painful and has MANY unintended consequences. The honest way is something called “austerity.” Austerity is cutting back government services AND raising taxes simultaneously. This is the only honest way to “fix” the financial system BUT what are we fixing? We would be fixing a corrupt financial system that enslaves the population. In the past and in modern times, we see that a worthless fiat currency like the dollar is easily weaponized against EVERYONE in the world. Why would we want to save a system like this? Some economists say the existing financial system in America can be repaired but it will take approximately 25-35 years of austerity (little to no government services and EXTREMELY high taxes) to do it (think Communism). This doesn’t sound easy or fun at all especially since many folks are on government programs that do not have a path to get off those services.
The solution: The solution is gold and silver. It’s a relatively easy solution to implement but it will destroy central banks if it is implemented properly. That’s who controls financial policy world-wide – the very same banks that do not want gold and silver solutions. The IMF, Bank of International Settlements and the Central Banks (like the Federal Reserve) would not survive the world going back to REAL money. They have a vested interest in keeping the fiat currency alive and the population enslaved to their products (worthless paper currency), in fact, the existence of these banks DEPENDS on it. This is where the problems begin for implementation. It MUST be implemented through the states, not through the federal government.
The Show: In DC over the years, there have been many attempts and bills filed to audit the Federal Reserve and to back the dollar with gold. There was finally a partial audit of the Federal Reserve but the books the auditors were allowed to look at were the same books that were already publicly available. What was wanted was a look at the “2nd balance sheet” that was discovered by Catherine Austin Fitts back in 2015. Unfortunately, that balance sheet was not made available for the audit. There are bills still filed nearly every 2 years in DC to back the dollar with gold but they NEVER get ANY traction. This is by design and its part of the reality show we call Washington DC. The fact is, states can and have implemented new laws to recognize gold and silver as legal tender but not enough states have accomplished this to make a difference…yet. I think 2025 will tip the scales in favor of gold and silver because the “transient inflation” turned out to be pretty much permanent.
The States: The states have the Constitutional Right to make gold and silver legal tender and the free market has MANY solutions to make it actually work. It’s turnkey, it’s ready to go but for some reason, the states have been slow in implementing gold and silver. This is mainly because state general assemblies and governors are afraid the federal government will cut their federal funding dollars if gold and silver solutions are implemented in their states. Let’s talk about this tonight.
I did take some time to visit with Dunagun Keiser this week on his popular You-Tube channel Liberty and Finance. Daniel Diaz was also on his channel this week.
I’ll end it here for this email as it is a bit long in the tooth and I am out of time today. I hope to see some of you tonight.
May God bless us all with good health and with wisdom and courage.
Yours for liberty,
Patrick Holland
Missouri Freedom Initiative
P.O. Box 343
Clever, Missouri 65631>
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Sept. 14th News Letter
Happy Saturday gang. We’ll be live tonight at 7:30 PM Central on all the usual platforms. Twitter (X), Rumble, Odysee and You Tube.
I lack time for a proper email/newsletter today. However, let’s chat about Amendment 3, the Article 3 Institute and whatever else is on your mind tonight.
I have my grandson this weekend so he’ll be joining us tonight on the stream as well.
Hope to see you all tonight,
May God bless us all with good health and with wisdom and courage.
Yours for liberty,
Patrick Holland
Missouri Freedom Initiative
P.O. Box 343
Clever, Missouri 65631
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