Missouri Freedom Initiative


This is a placeholder for the Missouri businesses that have engaged Missouri legislators with the Missouri Freedom Initiative in our “knock and shock” campaigns at the capitol building in Jefferson City. These business are being advertised by MoFI for their efforts to help us in the cause of supporting liberty legislation in Missouri. MoFI does not receive any compensation for advertising any businesses.

Guitar Authority: maker of fine guitar strings, Made in the U.S.A.Maker of the world’s finest guitar strings. All made in the U.S.A.

Grassroots organizations that share the same broad vision and goals as the Missouri Freedom Initiative that have unique focus. MoFI works with these and other grassroots organizations on a regular basis. Please consider following their work as well.

Dedicated to the Sovereignty of Missourians
The Tenth Amendment is what is known as a “rule of construction.” It doesn’t add anything to the Constitution, nor does it take anything away. But it serves a very important function. It tells us how to interpret the document. Think of it like a lens through which we evaluate everything the federal government does.
Inspiration. Education. Activation.
Creating community & equipping Believers to become better stewards of freedom & liberty.


The Freedom Principle MO is organizing and advocating for Constitutionally sound solutions to Missouri’s biggest challenges.

Jodi Grace Ministries
Guitar Authority
The owner of this business has taken time out of his very busy schedule to walk with us through the State Capitol in our Knock & Shock events. For that we honor him with this mention. Made 100% in the USA. We use only the finest materials for our strings....
Right To Win, Ozarks
Missouri Liberty Radio

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